Biodiversity, Ecology and Nature based Solutions
Biodiversity, Ecology
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BES)
Biodiversity is the variety and variability of life forms found on earth. Ecosystem services are the benefits provided by ecosystems in the form of food, fish, medicine, timber, natural processes (i.e. carbon sequestation, erosions control, pest mitigation, rodents control etc). Biodiversity richness underpins the continous supply of ecosystem services. Industrial growth of all forms are either dependent on one or the other ecosystem services and often impact negatively the ability of ecosystems to provide these services. We support business in understanding the biodiversity and ecosystem services issues related to their opertaions and support them in managing them in order to achieve No Net Loss (NNL) or Net Biodiversity Gain (NBG). We provide full service on business and biodiversity right from developing corporate policies and issues.
Services Offered
Biodiversity Policy and Strategy,
NNL or NBG target setting,
Comprehensive or Rapid Biodiversity Assessment
Ecosystem Services Review
Biodiversity Risk and Impact assessment
Biodiversity Management Plan

Forest and Ecology
Forests are the most important ecosystem on this planet. They sustain diversity of life, regulate climate (locally and globally) and above all provide necessary resources for sustenance of human beings. Irrespective of where we live, in a remote area or an urban city, forest and its produce play an important role in our lives. We provide services in the field of forestry and ecology to address the most pressing problems we are facing today.
Services Offered
Organic Farming
Watershed Management
Landscape Ecological Restoration (Mines and Forests)
Nature based Solution (NbS)
Nature based Solutions as defined by IUCN are the actions to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural and modified ecosystem, that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human wellbeing and biodiversity benefits. NbS avoids engineering based approach and prefer to use natural processes for designing actions in order to address the global challenges i.e. climate change, food security, water security, human health, disaster risk reduction and others. In July 2020, the global standard on Nature based Solution was launched in 2020 and followed by UN agencies i.e. UNEP, UNDP and other.
​Recently in 2020, IUCN has launched global standard on Nature based Solution (NbS). We have inhouse experts with hands on expertise in conceptualising, developing and implanting NbS projects.