150+Million Tonnes of Carbon Saved
Adressing Climate Change
EVI has been leading the fight against climate change, our climate change consulting services cover evolving technologies, policies & financial structures, we offer implementable solutions for challenging problems
Climate Change Policy
Climate change, is one of the most challenging problems faced by the world. Addressing it requires simultaneous efforts towards adapting to changes and following a low carbon development path. Governments and developmental agencies are building strategies to meet their domestic as well as international climate change mitigation goals.
National level and state level climate change action plans and low emission development strategies are being developed in this regard. Implementation of these plans requires measuring emissions and vulnerabilities, developing robust policies, appropriating domestic budgets, accessing international climate finance (e.g. through NAMAs, INDCs, Multilateral funds etc.), developing technology deployment business models and strengthening institutional framework and building capacity of all the stakeholders. EVI supports across each step of developing and implementing these strategies.
Best Climate Change Consulting

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action or NAMAs are country specific commitments made towards tackling climate change.
Domestic climate change mitigation actions in form of NAMAs are at the centre of discussions in action plans of various developing countries the post-2012 climate regime. NAMAs are voluntary, non-binding policy instruments that provide a framework for pursuing a country’s socio-economic and development goals while contributing towards GHG mitigation efforts. NAMAs were first introduced at the 13th Conference of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP13) in Bali in 2007. Many developing countries are taking steps towards the development and implementation of NAMAs. NAMAs can help countries’ achieve their growth objectives and participate in the global climate change mitigation agenda. NAMAs help governments leverage national and international support to achieve appropriate, effective and transformational GHG mitigation and sustainable development targets.
Best Climate Change Consulting
Best Climate Change Consulting
Best Climate Change Consulting
Best Climate Change Consulting
What We Do
Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) at national & sub-national level
NAMA Programs
Policy research & analysis
Technology Needs Assessments (TNA)
Monitoring Verification & Reporting (MRV) Systems & Capacity Building